分享Pamela Kramer的靈擺教學筆記,當然跟我教不太相同,但概念是一致的!是本人親自翻譯,有加上一些自我的註解,但還是附上原文請大家對照看一下! 文章有點長,所以分成上、下集~
Dowsing - Accessing your Higher Self using a Pendulum
Data Source: http://www.urbanessentialz.com/Dowsing-Accessing-your-Higher-Self.html
The following are Pamela Kramer's notes for the class she teaches on Dowsing. This information is for your personal use only. Any other use of this information, please request permission.
以下的筆記是Pamela Kramer在她的探測術課程上的筆記,僅供個人使用。若有其它使用需求,請先取得核淮。
Dowsing is an ancient art, it has been around for thousands of years. Dowsing has been used to find water to know where to dig wells, and minerals. They used to use a hazel stick in medieval times. Currently, people use metal dowsing rods.
In 1986, 2,500 Doctors in France used pendulums as ONE tool for diagnosis (Pendulum Power, 1986, UK)
How does dowsing work?
Using a pendulum is an easy way to tap into your subconscious, your higher self, your spirit guides, and the higher mind/all that is through using a bobbing instrument like a pendulum. You don’t have to be psychic or a medium to use a pendulum.
It is thought that the dowsing instruments are affected by human nervous system- Magnetic interaction between the dowser and the instrument. Involuntary subtle movement of the muscles (not triggered by conscious thought) affect the pendulum.
Other things that can influence a pendulum….
Earth energies, negative energies from electronic equipment, mischievous spirits, etc. It is important that you anchor your pendulum area in a tube of white light.
Dowsing is discerning, finding, removing and changing energetic patterns
Purchase/make a pendulum
Anything that swings freely will work fine. Use your pendulum with care .
Especially important when you first get a pendulum, carry it with you at all times, so it connects with you. It is called programing, the pendulum gets in tune with your energy/vibes, so it is consistently working for you. That is how you can verify that it is working for you.
Ask “Is this pendulum in harmony with me?”. Ask “Does this Pendulum need clearing”, ask for clearing if necessary, then ask if it is in harmony again.
Remember to protect your pendulum, keep it in a small bag to prevent it from picking up negative energies.
Starting to Dowse
Feet flat on the floor, sitting up straight, arms uncrossed, ensures proper flow of energy through your body. It doesn’t matter which hand you use. Hold forearm parallel to the ground. Dangle the pendulum 4-5” from your hand. Suspend disbelief and thought. Relax.
雙腳平放在地板上(接地),坐直(讓自己的能量管暢通),雙手輕輕平放雙側不交叉,確認能量可以適當的流過你的身體。用哪隻手來拿靈擺並不重要,手肘與地面平行,將靈擺拿高離桌面約10-15CM (看個人舒適度為主),放下所有懷疑的意念及想法,放輕鬆。
Close your eyes and say a short prayer/ask for a blessing, entering a higher state of consciousness. Always ask for God’s white light of protection/bless the energy field before dowsing, express gratitude, and close (Amen, or So be it). Breathe and relax, letting go of control issues, and quiet the mind.
Show me yes (thank you)
Show me no (thank you)
Show me I don’t know or maybe (thank you)
Show me I don’t want to answer (thank you)
If it does not move, stare at it and imagine it swinging. Patience, it may take a long time to respond.
You can also train the pendulum. Swing it in one direction, say 'This is YES', repeat for No, I don't know, and I don't want to answer.
The stronger the answer, the stronger the swing.
It is helpful to say “clear” out loud or in your mind between questions.
Then ask before every session ‘May I dowse?” - frame of mind, too much breeze, energy of space, many things can influence dowsing. "Is there energy that needs to be cleared from the pendulum?" (clear if needed)
Clear negative energy from pendulum – spin your pendulum and ask - “show me yes after all negative energy is removed from my pendulum”
then... "Are we in harmony?"